Thursday, June 26, 2008

Steel Toe Boots

Welcome to my Ask Dr. Sole weekly web column!

This is where I answer all your questions about men, dating, and Soleology.

In the book, I teach women to trust their "inner sole" instincts to read a man by his shoes to see if he's good dating material. I also teach men how to put their best foot forward... because women are looking at the shoes on their feet!


Dear Dr. Sole,

I would like to know what my boyfriend’s shoes say about him. He wears black steel toe work boots. He works as a conductor for a railroad.

Steel Toe Boots

Dear Steel Toe Boots,

That’s great that your boyfriend wears black steel toe boots to work. Most likely they are a safety requirement of his job. And if they aren’t – the fact that he wears such hardy protective shoes means that he cares about himself and his safety. Which inevitably “trickles down” onto his relationship with you!

I’m most interested in knowing about what shoes he wears off work when he is with you. Are they still steel toe boots with lots of protection? Or does he transition out of work-mode with another pair of shoes? I know men who keep flip-flops in the car to “lighten-up” and quick change into the moment they are off work. Think about the different areas of his life such as work, play, romance and free time spent with you. What shoes does he wear in each of those categories of his life? Feel free to write back. That’s when Soleology gets really interesting!

Dr. Sole

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